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What is "Enough is Enough"?


This is a pet-project of mine, very close to my heart. In the paranormal field, there is a practice to entice paranormal activity, called negative provoking. It's a bullyish practice to provoke a response in a paranormal entity, so that it may show itself, or produce evidence of its existence. I've seen this practice in the most sacred of places - churches, graveyards, asylums, hospitals, battlefields, and more. What is the harm?

Creating a Climate of Victimization... Potentially, for a Second Time

A living victim of violence would never be taunted, disrespected, or forced to relive the moments of their torment over and over. Why should the dead be treated any differently. And, for what? Bragging rights? A photograph? A sound byte? This is not only a disrespectful practice in locations where people may have already been victimized, suffered, or lived and died in despair, but it victimizes those Consciousnesses that may remain, in perpetuity It only stops long enough for the next party to come along and do it, again. I cannot think of a more perfect definition of hell. 


Creating a Hostile Environment to Visit and Work

This also grows a physical environment for what one can call paranormal retaliation. This can create a hostile environment for those that come after you and become unwitting targets (employees, owners, tourists, other investigators) of paranormal or psychic attack. If we don't respect the boundaries of the dead, why should they respect ours?


Setting a Bad Example/Being a Bad Steward

There are researchers that wish to cultivate a working atmosphere of mutual trust and respect.  Negative provoking destroys that. It creates an environment of distrust and suspicion between the researchers and those they are looking to learn from. It also teaches those getting into the hobby to do likewise.


It's simple. We can be better ambassadors. We teach our children not to act this way. Here, is no different.


Draw the line. Take a stand. End paranormal bullying.


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